Thank you to the Wisconsin Philanthropy Network for featuring our foundation in their Member Spotlight for the month of July. Check out the article below:

Established in 2014, The McGinnity Family Foundation (MFF) supports the ideas of young people. By funding their initiatives, youth are provided with a “seat at the table.” President Tom McGinnity explains, “There is amazing potential in the minds and hearts of young people that needs to be nourished and shared.”

Teens Grow Greens (TGG) is a non-profit organization where teens, “learn, grow and go.” During a nine-month paid internship, teens develop life skills, including healthy living, leadership and entrepreneurship, through hands-on experience. TGG was just one project supported by MFF, receiving funding in 2015, 2016 and 2017. This relationship inspired the Foundation to support TGG alumnus Travon Foster in 2018.

During their internship participants design a product that builds self-efficacy and financial literacy skills, and fulfills the triple bottom line of being good to “people, planet and profit.” Travon created Joe Veggie Go, which mixes coffee with all-natural juices and offers the ability to “grab a healthy cup of Joe that keeps you on the go.” The grant allowed Travon to establish a cafe in the TGG’s building, Weber’s Greenhouses (4215 N. Green Bay Avenue) to sell his product.

TGG is grateful to the Foundation for investing in Travon and Joe Veggie Go. Already an experiential teen learning facility, the organization dreams of Weber’s becoming a home base for teen innovation. With the right help they can!